Wait what?
The first week of Rory's life went by SO SLOW. So many people say that the first week is the quickest, but for me it was by FAR the slowest.
The first few days after Rory was born, we were in the hospital and I had a love/hate relationship with that. Loved the free food, hated the tiny room. Loved the nurses and the care, hated being woken up every 30 minutes. You win some, you loose some.
I had a high fever during labor and so I had to stay about a day longer than normal just because it was a sign of an infection, so I had to be on antibiotics for a full 24 hours and then stay a few hours longer than that to be totally sure I was okay.
Sam was awesome and helped me get out of the bed to go to the bathroom, or grab Rory for me so I could feed her, and basically just take care of me. The best husband.
Once we were home, it was pretty smooth sailing. The hardest part of having a newborn is just that it's coupled with your recovery. But, I really feel like I came out of it happy and not in too much pain or too sleep deprived!
We loved our first month with Rory! At 3 weeks old, we drove to Idaho (14 hour drive) to bless Rory and to graduate from school!
It was a very busy trip and I was in a lot of pain at the end of it, but it was so worth it to be able to have both of our family's there and our best friends at the blessing! Rory did great on the road trip and we had a great time.
Here's just a few facts to remember from her first month of life!
Your sleeping patterns are not too bad! You sleep for about 2-3 hours at a time, and are awake for about 45 min- 1.5 hours and you like to sleep in your Rock n' Play best, but also do pretty well in your bassinet!
Your feeding schedule is every 2 hours or so! You like to eat both sides at once and are a really good burper!
Some sounds and motions you make are farts and squeaks. You never really cry, just yell a little and it sounds so high pitched it's almost a squeaking sound. So obviously, Dad and I called you 'squeakers' for a while. Your poops and farts are SO LOUD. But, so funny so we like it!
Also, while we were in Idaho we were with our best friends house and I was changing your diaper telling my friends how easy of a baby you are and how little work you really were and then proceeded to have a HUGE blow out poop as I was changing your diaper. Got all over me and your brand new blanket and our poor friends fled the scene. You're quite the little performer there Rory bug.
You like to be held and rocked to sleep. You like to eat A LOT. You love ceiling fans. You love relaxing on our legs and looking around. You love to sleep. You love your car seat. You like making lots of facial expressions. You love your WubbaNub. You love scratching yourself, so the little mittens were a must.
You hated to eat on the left side your first month (or maybe I hated it, because it HURT). You hated your baths at first (don't think the water was warm enough).
You had a bad rash/acne for a little while on your face, but breast milk really is the cure-all and once I put some on your rash it went away in just a few hours! You also peeled SO much, like your entire body was peeling and we tried lots of different lotions, until we finally tried baby oil and it worked wonders!
By the end of the month you are learning to make eye contact with who is talking to you, sleeping longer stretches at night, grasping onto our fingers, and the occasional smile!
We love our girl!