2nd Trimester Recap

Second trimester is as good as they say it is! It was probably the shortest part of my pregnancy, and the funnest! In the second trimester you start to feel the kicks, find out the gender, start getting a little bump, and really begin planning out the future for the baby!

I loved this time and I was glad I was in school during this trimester because it made the time go by so much faster. The semester literally was the exact weeks and length of my second trimester. Semesters always just fly by each time and so it really made the middle of my pregnancy fly by.

how far along are you? 14-28 weeks!
maternity clothes? More towards 24-26 weeks is when I really needed to wear some maternity pants. Thanksgiving is when I bought my first pair of maternity leggings and it was the BEST purchase I made. Before needing the leggings, I got by with the old rubber band button trick with all of my normal pants. I bought 3 maternity dresses, since all of my dresses were pretty form fitting or were styles that just didn't go with a pregnant belly. But, besides those 3 dresses and maternity leggings, I didn't buy any maternity tops at all! I really didn't want to spend a ton of money on maternity clothes and all of my regular clothes did the trick for like 90% of my pregnancy
sleep: sleep was harder my 2nd trimester but really not bad at all! I ALWAYS got back pain in my left rib in the back and it was so painful and nothing really helped the pain go away. So, that pain would sometimes keep me awake, but besides that pain I am pretty sure I slept just fine!
best moments: SO MANY! Finding out the gender, announcing it to our friends and family, feeling her kick for the first time and then really starting to feel kicks from then on, thinking of names, planning out what to buy or get, etc. It all just became so REAL when we found out the gender. I'll write more about these moments after these questions!

missing anything? I missed not being able to wear all of my clothes and not being able to eat deli meat, fish, etc. (got over all of that by like 33 weeks, then I just ate whatever I wanted haha)

movement? First movement I felt (or noticed) was 19 weeks along and Sam and I were driving down to Utah for a wedding I think? Anyways, we were driving and just talking and all of a sudden I just felt a little pop in my belly and I didn't say anything because I didn't know if it was just my belly rumbling or like a muscle twitch or something haha but then a few seconds later I felt it again and I remember stopping myself from talking mid-sentence and saying "Wait, I think the baby just kicked me." Hahaha and Sam said, "Really? Are you sure?" and I said, "I don't know, I think so?" and then I didn't really feel much after that, so I wasn't sure if that was it or not. Fast forward a week, and it was our 20 week ultrasound where we were finding out the gender and honestly as soon as that little belly remote thing was on me, she just started rolling around and kicking like crazy! It was so amazing and I started to tear up because I could even see my belly move a little up and down. She gave the ultrasound technician a good laugh because at the beginning of the appointment, her head was on my left and her feet were on my right, in the middle of the appointment she had totally flipped, and then at the end she was like sideways laying across my belly. It was so funny and so cute! From then on, I felt her kick ALL THE TIME and it really was my favorite, favorite part of being pregnant. Which is so weird because going into my pregnancy, I thought I'd be really weirded out by the kicking, but I couldn't get enough of it.

food cravings: Second trimester, I was all about the bagels and cream cheese. I already love that though so it wasn't a big surprise. I also loved my chicken and biscuit crackers haha honestly I just wanted more of what I already loved. 

queasy or sick? Not queasy or sick at all! I just kept up eating when I needed to. Second trimester I just felt tired a lot of the time.

gender: GIRL GIRL GIRL! I was so surprised when we found out. We took a toll from our family and friends on what they predicted the baby to be and our family was pretty split even on boy and girl, but our friends were guessing girl a lot more than boy! I really didn't have a huge feeling either way, but I definitely was leaning more towards boy, but in the back of my mind I sort of knew it was a girl. Right before they told us they asked us our guesses and Sam said girl, which was the first time he ever guessed and I said boy because I was thinking that's what it would be, and then they told us girl and I just was so surprised but so so happy! 

symptoms: a little back pain, fatigue, and a growing belly!

belly in or belly out? I finally started to have a bump around 18-19 weeks, just very very small but I remember feeling like it was so big! Haha I remember struggling to sit down and stand up around Halloween time.. It's so funny because I look back now and those were the EASY days. So, so easy compared to the third trimester. But, the second trimester is so fun because your belly just gets larger and larger each week. By 33 weeks or so I felt like I couldn't really tell the difference in my belly size, but in that second trimester you can seriously see a change week by week.

happy or moody? Happy! Besides my crazy school schedule and taking some classes that just weren't fun, I was happy! But, I have to add that I definitely had my random hormonal moments. Like having breakdowns over birthday cake hahaha such embarrassing moments but too funny to think about now!

looking forward to: Looked forward to finding out the gender mostly! Then once we found out the gender, we looked forward to starting to get all of the things we needed for her and planning out names, nursery ideas, etc.

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